If any of you are fellow Lexingtonians, I strongly suggest you check out the PC Crew. The Lexington Herald-Leader recently ran a piece on them as part of the current Stand Up Lexington series, a response to the Men's Health article about Lexington being listed as the most sedentary city.
I've joined, and everyone is so welcoming! I had nearly a dozen "welcome" messages. They have several fitness classes and events where members have a chance to meet up. Aside from the fitness component, they have social gatherings, as well. They also post articles related to healthy living and focus on that rather than weight loss alone.
Soon, I'm going to take advantage of the free Zumba classes listed in the article and through the group's Facebook page. If any of you would like to go with me, please let me know when you're available. Even though I'm sure I'll be welcomed with open arms, I would feel better having another newbie in tow.
I joined. :)